Curtis Toovey

Profile Updated: May 20, 2024
Class Year: 1974
Occupation: U.S. Dept. of Interior, NPS & BLM - retired
Children: Isabela Rae, born 2001
Cell phone:


About me/us (Hobbies, interests, life philosophy, etc.) :

Arborist, Timberman, Firefighter, Resource Manager, Restoration Coordinator, Park Ranger, U.S. Ranger... all nice titles that show I succeeded in making a career out of playing outside. What a ride!

Now retired, work part time, still play with trees and in the garden. Still an avid motorhead. As for my kid, she's proof I won the lottery; I could not have been luckier or more proud.

Who else in your family is a CHS Alum?

Christopher Hart Toovey, class of 1970.
Patricia Tracy Toovey, departed CHS in (I believe) 1971, graduating from a private school in 1973.

What teacher inspired you the most & how has it affected your life?

Bill Vaskis hands down. The first adult to really draw out my thoughts and ideas. Also the first to challenge them and in doing so, make me challenge myself.

Josie (Mardi) Rodriquez. Ella que supo que yo tenia la abilidad de aprender, ella que tuvo una expectación de mi. Yo nunca olvidé.

Curtis' Latest Interactions

Curtis Toovey updated his profile. View.
May 20, 2024 at 3:30 PM
Curtis Toovey added a photo to his profile gallery.
Mar 21, 2024 at 3:49 PM
Curtis Toovey changed his profile picture.
Sep 14, 2023 at 4:35 PM
Curtis Toovey has left an In Memory comment for Jack Farley.
Dec 28, 2018 at 5:33 PM

I was just thinking about Mr. Farley yesterday, and described him to my daughter. Mr. Farley was a complex guy with so many attributes. A lover of English, theatre, poetry... and a boxer and athlete, tho he always seemed to move in an easy, relaxed way. He was one of the adults in my (then) young life who would speak to me "one on one," getting through to me while acknowleding that at 16, I might already have some experience of my own. He could tell you amazing stories, but preferred to listen. That made him an adult to trust and respect.

Thanks, Mr. Farley

Curtis Toovey has a birthday today.
Jul 01, 2018 at 1:33 AM
Posted: Mar 21, 2024 at 3:49 PM